
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Good For What Ails You!

I never knew of the benefits of a magnesium supplement. What are the benefits of taking it? Magnesium helps with various thing and I did not realize that it was even really important to take until I came across the site, They are the only ones who offer a liquid magnesium. Let's break it down either further. What are the benefits? They reduce muscle cramps. That alone will do it for me. I get cramps in my hands all the time. It also helps with migraines. I used to get these alot in college. I have not had one in years. the biggest thing that I did not know about was that it actually helps with glucose metabolism. It helps if you are diabetic.

The fact that it is liquid magnesium is also a great benefit. It is easy to take by just mixing with water or juice and because there is no mixing, it is more readily dissolved and absorbed. the product itself is available on line and in local stores. This product replaces what we loose in daily activities and/or exercise. I take some vitamins now, some B vitamins, calcium, vitamins for the hair, but no magnesium. I feel I might just have to hop on down to my local GNC and check out what they have.

A liquid magnesium supplement is important because statistically, over 62% of Americans are not getting the minimum daily requirements. Plus, adults need to really maintain about 400 mg each day of the stuff to stay balanced. We could not eat enough food to get it through diet without eating over one thousand more calorie per day. So, check with your doctor and if all is well, really consider adding liquid magnesium to your daily routine. I know I have some re-visiting to do.

You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder.

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