
Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Well, as you know I recently hurt my right knee while landscaping. After the first week, a friend of mine took pity on me and gave me three samples of Biofreeze. It is the best ever! It works. I am out of those three packets now so I will have to go to the store and get some just for me. Today. I used the last of it this morning.

I wondered what was in it as it feels kind of cool and hot all at the same time. I guess it does not matter just so long as it works.

I hope that in about another week the hobbling will be over and I can walk normally. I am still wrapping it at night because by the end of the day it still is swollen inside the joint and I cannot bend the knee joint. I think that I really should have gone to the doctor but I was trying to avoid that. If you have an ache or pain, try Biofreeze. It really works. I swear by it. My doctor says that 40-itis is upon me. I feel like 20 but things are beginning to fall apart. 40-itis!!! What does he know?!?!

BIOFREEZE products contain ILEX, an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub. ILEX is used around the world in various health & wellness formulations. BIOFREEZE topical analgesic does not use waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum. The result is a fast-acting, penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.

You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder.

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