
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Forms4 Free!

Forms4Free has taken the headache out of web form design. They have come up with an economical software download that is only $19.99 that will give you the capability to design your own forms on your site. It is all using HTML code.

One of the key advantages of having the capability to design a Web form from within your own site as opposed to an outside source or a remote one is no advertising. Many services who process HTML forms remotely often have a redirect page full of advertisements that you would have to wade through just to get to your form. Forms4Free avoids all that.

Forms4Free is striving to be the number one online service for webdesigners needing HTML forms. To help achieve that goal, they have dedicated staff ready to assist with any problems that might occur with the formmail file. The will work tirelessly to be sure that you have a working form.

You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder.

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