
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

DirectStar TV

We just have regular cable here at home via Knology. We have never tried direct tv or even looed into it. Frankly that is a lot of TV to watch. I have quite a few friends who have direct tv and they love it. Most of them said that to get started it was with DIRECT TV Deals and Promotions.

Right now they are running a special for HBO and Cinamax free for three months. You can't beat that. If you are looking for a deal, the link will take you to DirectTV Star for the best deals out there for satellite television. There is no equipment to buy, no upfront fees and the actual installation is free. Basic packages begin around $30.00 per month so it is economical. Looking to enhance your time in front of the tele? Well, just look to any of the deals and promotions on direct tv. It is a better deal than basic cable.


You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder.

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